FL: ‘Traumatized’ Florida mother suspected of trafficking her own child on Southwest Airlines flight speak out

Source: bizpacreview.com 3/3/24

A mother’s “traumatizing” law enforcement experience traveling with her four-year-old son prompted her to call for changes from the government and airlines.

On Feb. 17, Bridgetta Tomarchio was making a routine trip from her home in Florida with her son Lucian to visit the boy’s father in Ohio. However, the journey took a detour at the car rental counter when she was approached by officers under suspicion of child trafficking.

“As I’m in Hertz getting my car, these two officers come in, and they say, ‘Excuse me, ma’am. This child, we have reason to believe is not your child and that you’re child trafficking him,’” the publicist recounted to Fox19 NOW after the incident.

Bodycam footage from the officers at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport showed that she readily complied, incredulous at the accusation that had seemingly originated with the Southwest Airlines pilot.

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I have volunteered with VOCAL for almost 40 years and have seen this type of thing quite literally hundreds of times. Forty years ago if grandpa gave his grandchild a hug in a public place people were calling the police to report a “child molester”. I can’t tell you how many parents have had the police called on them because they disciplined their child in a public place or told a caretaker or teacher that one of their parents spanked them. Many of these children were taken from the custody of the parent with no notice and no hearing and the parents were forced to take “parenting classes” and follow the orders of a radical feminists who never had kids.
Child trafficking is the latest scheme devised by the child saving movement. Our government pays them billions of dollars to “educate” the public about child sex trafficking. Our government pays “nonprofits” to “educate” bus station, airline and Amtrak employees, and even truck drivers, on how to “identify” human and child sex trafficking. They use vague criteria that can apply to just about anyone with a child.
Southwest Airlines is currently being sued by a white women who flew with her black baby who was investigated for “child sex trafficking” because an adult with a young child of a difference race “is a sure sign of sex trafficking”.
This woman was wrong to thank the police for “doing their jobs”. The police are paid to investigate crimes not parents traveling with their own child on an airplane or people on unconstitutional “registries” who committed a criminal act 30 years ago.
There’s big money in government contracts. The State of California pays $30,000 per month to house someone from SO civil commitment, and even then they still have difficulty finding housing for “SVP’s” despite paying $360,000 per year. Look at California’s efforts to house William Stephenson.
Everyone from arms manufacturers to child savers has learned how to milk the system. All of this is a fraud on American taxpayers.

Obvious overreach of law enforcement. And the proposed solution? Requiring government ID for the child! What a burden for every parent. If a parent is concerned about false accusations, why not carry the child’s birth certificate? No more laws needed, just common sense!

The comments on this articles site are discusting. Of course a Floridah conservative publication.

Hooray! More hysteria! Never enough!
(Yes, sarcasm.)
This reminds me of the South Park episode in which they start suspecting EVERYONE of being child sex offenders or potential child sex offender. 🙄

Sorry, not sorry, American society, but you completely brought this upon yourselves as a result of your rabid hysteria about individuals convicted of sex offences!! 😒

Sounds like if you see something say something mentality has turned people into robots thinking the worst thing possible is taking place.